Sunday, February 10, 2008

How To Quit Smoking

To quit smoking is possible only by reducing the acidity of our body. what increases our body acidty :

1)Lack of Faith:If we make a careful research we shall see that people who have faith and perform their prayers in Islamic countries almost do not smoke at all .Praying throws the negative feelings from human brain, keeps you self-confident and prevents
nervousness, stress causing the body acidity.

2)Refined foods and too much consumption of meat : increases the acidity of our body. By consuming natural foods and les meat your body will be balanced and will not need to smoke

Hereinbelow are some refined foods:

White flour products(sandwiches,pizzas,cakes, ,etc):have almost no nutritional value and contain various chemical ingredients so as to have a better appearance,mouth-feel..Best way of consuming wheat is buying wholewheat bread, bulgur or making our own bread at home with fresh ground whole wheat flour.

White rice,salt,sugar: polished rice (without bran) also loses all the vitamins, minerals and causes acidity in our metabolism. The right alternative is natural,branned rice.

White sugar: and its derivatives like chocolates,ice-creams,puddings,cakes,etc . are subject to many chemical applications till they become refined and granulated and increase acidty.

We can obtain sugar from legumes ,cereals, fruits, vegetables and dairy products naturally. Ready made vinegars,tomato pastes,soups,puddings,pickles,tinned vegetables: also cause acidty and we must try to produce them at home as well with simple methods. Margarines,refined edible oils:are also unnatural because of the refining processes(bleaching,deodorising, degumming,etc.).

Best alternative is cold pressed olive oil or eating oil seeds like sesame,coconut,groundnut or nuts like hazelnuts,peanuts,walnuts to satisfy our limited amount of daily oil need.Butter is not also good because of its saturated oil content. Avocado or peanut butter are the best alternatives of them. Tea,coffee and all kinds of alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks increases the acidity so we must prefer natural mineral water,herbal teas like linden,rosehip,etc. or fresh fruit juices .

Our protein intake can be obtained from meat,poultry,fish but the best way is to prefer lite dairy products or soybeans which is the only legume that can stand alone as a complete protein because too much consumption of animal products make our body tired because they contain no fiber and cause acidty.

After passing to natural nutrition we must quit smoking very slowly.Firstly you must determine a base amount. E.G.You must smoke everyday 15 cigarettes(or 20) for a week.

After that you will decrease the number always one by one.E.G. next week everyday you will smoke 14 cigarettes.Quiting cigarette is also hard psychologically therefore you must be very patient and let your body adapt to the new amount both physically and psychologically and try to avoid yourself being effected from the side effects of quitting smoking .

So each week by decreasing you can come to your last cigarette and then you begin to smoke 1 in 2 weeks then,1 cigarette in one month and then you can quit completely.You must not forget that after this period of 3-4 month quiting process you will gain 10 years added to your life .

Appended is a video on How to quit smoking cigarette; YOU CAN DO IT AS YOU SEE IT !

Best Regards

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