Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Methods to Stop Smoking - Which is the Best?

Methods to Stop Smoking - Which is the Best?: "There are so many methods to stop smoking, some of them expensive. Which is really the best for you? Find out more in this article.

If you're reading this article then I would say that you are approaching your quitting in a logical manner. You want to know the methods to stop smoking and figure out which is the best for you. Let's do a quick run through of the most common methods.


Willpower is where most smokers start their quitting 'career'. After all, it's free and doesn't cost you anything! How long have you lasted then? I know that when I was a smoker, I could barely last a day or two without cigarettes. I needed them as badly as I needed food, probably more so.

The bad news, although you probably knew it anyway, is that hardly anyone quits in the long term (talking years rather than days) using willpower alone. If we're talking about not smoking for the rest of their life and never having a relapse then you're looking at around a 1% success rate. Pretty poor, really.


More and more people are turning to hypnosis to cure their smoking addiction. Turn the clock back 20 years and it was not very common. Most people did not trust anyone with 'their minds'. These days, the profession has a lot more credibility and more and more people are using hypnosis.

Not just that, but thanks to the internet, you can even take your hypnosis sessions in the comfort of your own home. Just surf for one of the many hypnosis sites, use your credit card and within a minute you can be listening to an mp3 hypnosis session. However, ask any hypnotist and they will tell you that, ideally, they need to be able to read your response and adjust the session accordingly.

Does it work? Sadly no. I never took hypnosis myself but the studies say that it does not. For instance, The Cochrane Collaboration (an international not-for-profit organization) did a study into this and could not prove that hypnosis had a greater effect on 6 month quit rates than any other or no treatment. If I were you, I'd keep those hundreds of dollars that it would cost you and buy your family some presents instead!

Stop Smoking Magnets

Magnets are a member of the methods to stop smoking as lasers, acupuncture and acupressure. Basically, you wear them on the ear and they are supposed to reduce cravings for cigarettes so that you can more easily quit. The idea is one of Eastern philosophy, being that acupressure points are stimulated to produce endorphins and these are what make you feel more calm and have less cravings.

The verdict? Although I'm sure that your local practitioner of Eastern medicine will disagree with me, the facts are that this is yet another method which might work for a few days but does not work in the long term.

What Does Work?

Used alone, most of these methods to stop smoking are pretty much useless. However, using many of these therapies together and combining with other drugs such as anti-depressants, as well as making sure you have a good support structure will increase your chances of quitting. There are also some other methods that are used by a large minority that claim to address the underlying addiction rather than just the symptoms (cravings) like most other cures.

Discover more methods to stop smoking, tips and advice - all written by an ex-smoker of 8 years. Get the knowledge that you need today, at http://www.QuitSmokingAdvisory.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?exp

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