Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Best Way to Quit Smoking - There is Only One Way to Free Yourself From Addiction

There is only one real way to quit smoking. Your doctor, the government and many others will try to convince you otherwise but they are wrong. Find out more in this article.

Cigarette smoking is the biggest global health problem with approximately one third of adults hooked, as well as many children too. It costs the average smoker about 15 years of his life compared to a non-smoker. What way out of this is there? What is the best way to quit smoking?

Traditional Methods

Traditional methods to quit smoking number many, after all - this is a multi-billion dollar industry we are talking about. It only makes sense for big business and the government to work together to keep pushing these worthless cures to people so that they keep flipping back and forth between quit cigarettes on the one hand and smoking aids like nicotine patches, on the other.

Nicotine products do not work because they only substitute cigarettes and you are still addicted. You can try to cut down on nicotine products and then give up but it's hardly any different to cutting down on cigarettes alone and you sure know how successful that is, right?

Even hypnotherapy is a worthless method. Hypnosis can help a lot of people, for instance, people who have a fear of flying or a fear of social situations. But when it comes to smoking, hypnosis is useless. You can tell someone that they have super willpower and no more cravings and they may stop smoking there and then. But fast forward 6 months and nearly all hypnosis clients will start smoking again because the desire for a cigarette has returned. They simply did not believe the hypnotist.

And don't even get me started on newer methods like the laser. This is just laser manufacturers trying to make a quick buck by establishing a new market. Ever heard the phrase "a good sales man can sell a refrigerator to an eskimo?". Well, these lasers are very similar. The idea goes that you shine a laser on the body, "endorphins" are released and the person has less cravings. Fast forward 6 months and, once again, most people have started to smoke again.

Don't Believe Me?

That's OK. Most people are skeptical of what I have to say, especially smokers. I would ask you to go to Google Scholar search engine and do a search on research papers for smoking cessation methods. Make sure that you only look at the independent research and you'll come to the same conclusions.

Is There A Way Out?

There most certainly is. 8 years ago I stumbled across the best method there is, the most perfect method. Since then I have been totally smoke free. So what is the method?

The only way to quit smoking is to truly understand your addiction. Think about it - all the traditional methods do is to try to cure the symptom of an addiction, the cravings. Do you really want to be on pills, patches, hypnosis, lasers etc. for the rest of your life? That's like exchanging one addiction for another! Do any of these methods truly look at addiction, see what makes it tick, see how it works on people's minds and then cure them of it? No.

The method I used is the exact opposite. It goes straight for the root cause of addiction. And by cracking the addiction, you can stop smoking without willpower and without cravings.

By the way, I'm not the only person who has ever stopped using this method. Thousands of people around the world have stopped this way. But big business and the government do not like their revenues from taxes and nicotine products squashed so they ignore it.

Joe White is an ordinary guy who just lucked upon the secret to quitting smoking. If you want to find out more about this method, visit http://www.QuitSmokingWithJoe.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_White

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