Wednesday, February 13, 2008

An Overview Of Three Popular Stop Smoking Programs - Which Stop Smoking Program Is Right For You?

Hi, I would now like to share with you an Overview Of Three Popular Stop Smoking Programs - Which Stop Smoking Program Is Right For You? by Ava Alderman

Stop Smoking Program #1: CigArrest:
CigArrest is a homeopathic system containing nicotine-free tablets, gum, vitamins, and exercise and behavior management information and encouragement - all of which are designed to lesson cravings and encourage positive and diversionary thinking. The active ingredients in the vitamins and tablets are: Lobelia inflata, Cinchona officinalis, Daphne indica, Plantago major, Calcarea phosphorica, and Nux vomica. These homoeopathic ingredients are supposed to relieve the cravings, nervous tensions, and irritability that go hand in hand with quitting smoking. None of the items contain nicotine, but the company claims that the products taken together with the behavior modification program are so effective that nicotine is not needed and is really just a crutch that holds a smoker back from quitting smoking. CigArrest does not list the costs of the program on their website, but they do offer 30 days of all products free and a 30 day money back guarantee after the 30 day trial - basically giving you 60 days to try the product free. They also offer a free newsletter on their website. (See bio section for a link).

Stop Smoking Program #2: The Sedona Method:
The Sedona Method does not involve taking any substances or supplements. It is strictly a do-it-yourself self help behavior modification program. According to The Sedona Method's website, the company's method will teach a smoker how to learn the Sedona Method which shows the smoker how to tap into and use his natural ability to overcome negative thoughts, feelings or cravings, allowing the smoker immediate relief from the loss of control that comes from addictions like smoking. The Sedona Method allows the smoker to use any other stop smoking program, patch, or gum he may find appropriate, but claims that most smokers do not need other aids once they learn the behavior modification theories. The Sedona Method offers free tapes, DVDs and newsletters to get you started. (See bio section for a link).

Stop Smoking Program #3:
Richard MacKenzie's Stop Smoking Hypnosis Downloadable Audio: Like the Sedona Method, Richard MacKenzie's Hypnosis Program works under the premise that smoking is a habit that can be broken using the power of your mind. However, MacKenzie's hypnosis audio (downloadable to MP3, computer or CD, makes that process easier. MacKenzie claims that research has shown that hypnosis is a much more effective method of stopping smoking with a higher success rate than all other methods. MacKenzie offers a free newsletter with tips and hints. The Stop Smoking Hypnosis download is $49 with an 8 week money back guarantee.

It's important to find a stop smoking program that you can live with and aligns with your beliefs and comfort level. It's also advisable to take advantage of the stop smoking programs' free samples, newsletter or tapes to get a taste of what you'll experience should you sign on with the stop smoking program.

Links to the aforementioned freebies' vendors can be obtained by clicking here. Ava Alderman is an internet and technology researcher.

Article Source:

Top Ten Reasons to Quit Smoking - And How!

Here are top ten reasons to quit smoking.

1. More than 400,000 deaths occur in the U.S. each year from smoking-related illnesses. Smoking greatly increases your risks for lung cancer and many other cancers.

2. Secondhand smoke from a parent's cigarette increases a child's chances for middle ear problems, causes coughing and wheezing, and worsens asthma conditions.

3. Among infants to 18 months of age, secondhand smoke is associated with as many as 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia each year. If the mother smoked during pregnancy, her baby will average 6 ounces less and its pulse will be 30% faster than a non-smoker's baby, and there will be nicotine withdrawal symptoms in the baby after birth. Premature birth has been related to smoking by the mother. There is a direct link between parents' smoking and children's respiratory disease. (I suffer with chronic bronchitis in my 40's today, and wonder if it's related.)

4. Quitting smoking saves money. At a minimum of $2 per pack, a pack-a-day smoker can expect to save more than $700 per year. It appears that the price of cigarettes will continue to rise in coming years, making financial rewards of quitting even greater.

5. Nicotine affects the nerve-muscle junctions, causing tremors and shaking.

6. Nicotine causes narrowing and constriction of the arteries, adding to the heart's load.

7. Nicotine, through its ability to stimulate, causes excitement and anxiety. But the effect wears off, and often a period of depression follows.

8. Nicotine is an insecticide, and it makes the blood thicker and decreases the available oxygen. It also adversely affects breathing, sweating, intestinal, and heart actions of our autonomic nervous system, probably due to hindering the blood flow to the nerve centers in the brain.

9. Two to four cigarettes in a row increase blood fats 200 to 400%. The average smoker (30 cigarettes per day) increases his chance of heart disease by 4 to 6 times the average.

10. Smoking causes widespread and permanent destruction of the tiny air sacs (alveoli) and narrowing of small blood vessels in the lungs, decreasing the oxygen supply, requiring a higher blood pressure, thus causing extensive circulatory problems and premature heart attacks. Smokers have difficulty running and exercising.

Now for the good news:

You can quit quickly, easily and completely through hypnosis. Hypnotism to stop smoking is an excellent way to end your smoking habit. The success rates with hypnotism are possibly double that of the patch and gum. You can also use hypnosis together with other stop smoking programs like the patch to achieve even better results. In fact, multiple-session hypnosis has a 66% success rate at helping people quit smoking, higher than any other smoking cessation method available. And you won't experience the withdrawal or ongoing cravings that are common with other programs.

Do your body, your family, and your pocketbook a favor and use hypnotherapy to stop smoking now!

Cindy Locher, who contributes this article, is a certified hypnotist who helps people improve the quality of their lives in many ways. Quitting smoking, losing weight and reducing stress are just a few of the many applications of hypnotherapy.

Check out how Cindy can help you at !

Article Source:

What Happens To You When You Quit Smoking?

If you are a smoker trying to quit, it is important that you know what happens to you when you quit smoking in order to keep you motivated. After all, quitting smoking seems to be one of the most difficult things that you could hope to do so you will need all the help you can get right?

Smoking is a hugely destructive thing to do. Despite the fact that you seem to enjoy it so much, it is the single biggest cause of premature death in the western world. That is why you need to make every effort to overcome your addiction to nicotine and get off the smokes once and for all.

The good news is that what happens to you when you quit smoking is all positive - there are no negatives as far as your health is concerned. One of the initial benefits, apparent within 30 minutes, is that as your nicotine levels start to subside, your blood vessels start to relax and your blood pressure eases as a result. Your heart is less stressed and your heart rate will fall too.

When you smoke, you are put through a roller coaster of stress from the toxins in tobacco smoke. This causes your blood pressure and heart rate to go up and down like the proverbial bride's nighty. Once you stop smoking, this roller coaster of blood pressure and heart rate stops too.

Within 8 hours of quitting smoking, your blood oxygen levels are rising significantly, your blood carbon monoxide levels are falling significantly and your body's nicotine levels are falling steadily. Within 24 hours, carbon monoxide levels in the blood will have fallen to the same level as that of a non-smoker. This is good because it means your blood can work properly at last.

One of the most noticeable things that happens to you when you quit smoking is the sharp increase in your sense of taste after about 2 to 3 days. You will be able to taste things much more clearly than before as the deadening affect of tobacco smoke on your tongue and nose subsides.

It will be at about this time that you are also starting to suffer the worst of your cravings for tobacco. Nicotine levels will be at an all time low for you and your mind will probably be fixed on either food or cigarettes. This is one of the most difficult stages of quitting smoking that you must overcome.

If you can persist with abstaining from the smokes, you will also start to notice an improvement in your breathing. The muck that has been placed in your lungs from smoking will start to be cleaned by your body. You will develop a cough that may seem worse than your smoker's cough from before. This is natural as your lungs start to cleanse themselves of the filth that has accumulated over time.

Another significant change that happens to you when you quit smoking is the improvement in your blood circulation. It should improve within the first three months and you will notice in fewer incidents of cold feet or hands. You may also notice fewer occasions of 'pins and needles' (paresthesia).

Some of the main benefits of what happens to you when you quit smoking become most apparent after about a year off the smokes. Notably, you will be able to breath much more easily and you will neither cough, nor wheeze as you used to when you smoked. You are half as likely to suffer a stroke as you were when a smoker.

After about 5 years, you are statistically at half the risk of a smoker of suffering from a heart attack. Your chances of stroke will have now diminished to that of a non-smoker too.

After about 10 years, you will have halved your risk of cancer, particularly lung cancer, but as a former smoker, you should always be aware of the higher risk that you face. Your chances of suffering from a heart attack will have diminished to that of a non-smoker too.

As a final thought on what happens to you when you quit smoking, you should understand the effects smoking has on your life expectancy. Quitting before you are between 35-40 should see your life expectancy pretty much unaffected from smoking. That's not a guarantee though and people do die from smoking related diseases even in their 20's!

It is important to know that there is evidence that for every year you smoke after this 35-40 year window, you reduce your life expectancy by around 3 months on average. A smoker at age 60 should expect to die 5 years younger than a non-smoking counterpart. That should be food for thought and should help keep you motivated in any attempt to quit smoking.

This article is by Tom Dainty, a quit smoking therapist and author of The Quit Smoking Bible, a cognitive behavioural therapy approach to quitting smoking. His work is only available from

Article Source:

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ways to Quit Smoking - Different Methods to Try

There are different ways to quit smoking but these ways can be difficult to apply, much less, follow. Moreover, withdrawal symptoms may be difficult to cope with when you are in the process of quitting the habit. These symptoms include lack of or inability to concentrate, irritability, increased cravings and anxiety. Withdrawal syndrome may occur because your body normally craves for nicotine, which is an addictive substance in cigarettes.

However, the good news is that there are actually several ways to quit smoking. You only have to find the right method that suits you best. Here are some ways to quit smoking:

1. Hypnotherapy. This approach can give moderate effect on curbing the habit. In hypnotherapy, you subject yourself to a hypnosis session in which the therapist does an auto suggestion technique that gives you the will power to stop smoking.

2. Alternative Therapies. There are several therapies that can help smokers kick the cigarette habit through control of nicotine craving. Some examples of these therapies include acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy and meditation. In acupuncture, small needles of different lengths and sizes are inserted into predetermined points of the body that affect energy flow to the mouth, lungs, respiratory system and some parts of the brain that stimulate cigarette craving. Acupuncture is mostly effective during the first hours of nicotine craving.

3. Laser Treatment. This treatment is done by placing a low intensity beam of light on certain energy points of the body. Laser helps discharge endorphins, which are chemicals that help lower the smoker's nicotine craving. However, a laser treatment can be quite expensive, which can cost roughly about a hundred dollars per session.

4. Medications. Medications that can reduce your cigarette craving may be purchased over the counter or will need a doctor's prescription. These prescriptions can either be relaxants or sedatives that help control or calm the nerves, which are usually prescribed either on a regular or SOS basis.

5. Strong willpower. Nothing beats the good old fashioned way to quit smoking than to have willpower. Willpower costs you nothing. It is but a state of mind. And if you really want to succeed with your goal, you must have strong willpower.

6. Call for counseling. Willpower needs a little boost with counseling as well. It is essential for behavioral support. Whether you like individual or group counseling, it is up to you. A number of private groups, charitable organization and government institutions offer counseling services for those who want to quit smoking.

So make it your resolve to kick the cigarette habit. With control, consistency and commitment, these ways to quit smoking can pave your path towards a healthy lifestyle.

By Davion W

Davion W advocates healthy living. Find out how you can pick up some useful tips and an easy way to quit smoking book at

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Forever Smoke Free! Stop Smoking Hypnosis

Among the resources that I have recommended at the side bar, are the Audio CDs on Forever Smoke Free! Stop Smoking Hypnosis. I would strongly encourage any smoker to try these CDs - even if you're not sure if you are "ready" to quit, and even if you know nothing about hypnosis.

The CDs have received rave reviews, among them the following:

Paris Barclay, Director - "The West Wing", "ER"
"Trevor's help was so effective, I continue to recommend him to my family and friends."

Rick Floyd, Art Director - "Vanity Fair", "Vogue"
"Trevor’s talent gave me the ability to change my life."

Bill Brooks, Vice President - Hilton Hotels
"I always leave my sessions with Trevor relaxed and free of stress."

This highly successful Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program consists of three stop smoking CDs.
Stop Smoking Hypnosis Motivation, guides you through a series of relaxation techniques and suggestions, which will decrease your desire and increase your motivation to quit smoking - simply by listening to this relaxing hypnosis CD as you drift to sleep.

At the end of this first week, you will listen to The Stop Smoking Hypnosis Session. This hypnosis session will gently guide you into a very deep state of relaxation. Once in this relaxed state, you are given a series of powerful suggestions that will permanently free you from any desire to smoke! You will only need to listen to this hypnosis session once, as you will be a Non-Smoker at the end of this session!

After becoming a Non-Smoker, you will begin listening to Forever Smoke Free! This hypnosis session will further reinforce and strengthen your commitment to remain permanently smoke free!

Why is "Forever Smoke Free!" so effective?
By creating direct access to the most powerful part of the mind, the subconscious, you can teach your subconscious mind to automatically act in the ways that best suit your goals, rather than relying on poor habits that you've built up over the years.

When you align what you consciously desire with your subconscious motivations...stopping smoking has never been easier!

Can everyone be hypnotized?

Yes. Have you ever been driving a familiar route home and suddenly arrived at your destination without remembering the last few minutes of the drive? This is one example of our subconscious mind taking over the routine details of life. Our subconscious mind handles most of our day to day activities. That is the subconscious mind's job - to handle the details of life, while our conscious mind handles the more important needs.

Most clients are amazed at how quickly they accomplish their desired results. Unlike traditional therapies, Hypnotherapy is able to help you reach your goals without going through years of self-exploration.

When You Are Ready!

Reach your goals faster than ever! You can and will make permanent, positive changes in your personal and professional life. Beverly Hills Hypnosis offers an effective, relaxing, drug-free choice for change.

From the Author

Why are our Hypnosis programs so effective?

By creating direct access to the most powerful part of the mind, the subconscious. With the help of Beverly Hills Therapy's Hypnosis programs, you can teach your subconscious mind to automatically act in the ways that best suit your goals, rather than relying on poor habits that you've built up over the years. When you align what you consciously desire with your subconscious motivations...your possibilities are endless!

Can everyone be hypnotized?

Yes. Have you ever been driving a familiar route home and suddenly arrived at your destination without remembering the last few minutes of the drive? This is one example of our subconscious mind taking over the routine details of life. Our subconscious mind handles most of our day to day activities. That is the subconscious mind's job - to handle the details of life, while our conscious mind handles the more important needs. Most clients are amazed at how quickly they accomplish their desired results. Unlike traditional therapies, Hypnotherapy is able to help you reach your goals without going through years of self-exploration.

When You Are Ready!

Reach your goals faster than ever! You can and will make permanent, positive changes in your personal and professional life. Beverly Hills Therapy's Hypnosis programs offer an effective, relaxing, drug-free choice for change.

From the Inside Flap
I have seen many people, myself included; transform their lives by utilizing the power of the subconscious. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we align our conscious desires and our subconscious motivations.

Generally we are more suggestible in the evening, therefore, one of the best times to listen to this session is at night before going to sleep. Please never listen to this motivation program while driving or at anytime you need to be alert.

If you find that you are drifting to sleep while listening to this recording, you may trust that your subconscious is still receptive to ideas and suggestions for reaching your desired goals.

Warm Wishes, Trevor H. Scott, C.Ht.

About the Author
Trevor H. Scott, C.Ht. is the founder and Executive Director of Beverly Hills Therapy.

He is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Subconscious Motivational Therapist and a member of The American Counseling Association. In addition to studying Psychology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, he attended the only nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy.

An expert in his field, Trevor specializes in providing private consultations and audio programs for smoking cessation, self-confidence, sleeping disorders and anxiety/stress management.

Best Regards.

Quit Smoking Advice

Hi Guys,

The following clips which I would like to share with smokers are from the BBC: Horizon documentary series entitled "We Love Cigarettes".

The advice this guy gives is pretty damn good, it convinced me a chain smoker to quit cold turkey. It has been a couple months now and I'm still going strong.

Strongly recommends that you view them. God willing it will help you; You Too Can Be a Non Smoker.

Best Regards.

How To Quit Smoking

To quit smoking is possible only by reducing the acidity of our body. what increases our body acidty :

1)Lack of Faith:If we make a careful research we shall see that people who have faith and perform their prayers in Islamic countries almost do not smoke at all .Praying throws the negative feelings from human brain, keeps you self-confident and prevents
nervousness, stress causing the body acidity.

2)Refined foods and too much consumption of meat : increases the acidity of our body. By consuming natural foods and les meat your body will be balanced and will not need to smoke

Hereinbelow are some refined foods:

White flour products(sandwiches,pizzas,cakes, ,etc):have almost no nutritional value and contain various chemical ingredients so as to have a better appearance,mouth-feel..Best way of consuming wheat is buying wholewheat bread, bulgur or making our own bread at home with fresh ground whole wheat flour.

White rice,salt,sugar: polished rice (without bran) also loses all the vitamins, minerals and causes acidity in our metabolism. The right alternative is natural,branned rice.

White sugar: and its derivatives like chocolates,ice-creams,puddings,cakes,etc . are subject to many chemical applications till they become refined and granulated and increase acidty.

We can obtain sugar from legumes ,cereals, fruits, vegetables and dairy products naturally. Ready made vinegars,tomato pastes,soups,puddings,pickles,tinned vegetables: also cause acidty and we must try to produce them at home as well with simple methods. Margarines,refined edible oils:are also unnatural because of the refining processes(bleaching,deodorising, degumming,etc.).

Best alternative is cold pressed olive oil or eating oil seeds like sesame,coconut,groundnut or nuts like hazelnuts,peanuts,walnuts to satisfy our limited amount of daily oil need.Butter is not also good because of its saturated oil content. Avocado or peanut butter are the best alternatives of them. Tea,coffee and all kinds of alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks increases the acidity so we must prefer natural mineral water,herbal teas like linden,rosehip,etc. or fresh fruit juices .

Our protein intake can be obtained from meat,poultry,fish but the best way is to prefer lite dairy products or soybeans which is the only legume that can stand alone as a complete protein because too much consumption of animal products make our body tired because they contain no fiber and cause acidty.

After passing to natural nutrition we must quit smoking very slowly.Firstly you must determine a base amount. E.G.You must smoke everyday 15 cigarettes(or 20) for a week.

After that you will decrease the number always one by one.E.G. next week everyday you will smoke 14 cigarettes.Quiting cigarette is also hard psychologically therefore you must be very patient and let your body adapt to the new amount both physically and psychologically and try to avoid yourself being effected from the side effects of quitting smoking .

So each week by decreasing you can come to your last cigarette and then you begin to smoke 1 in 2 weeks then,1 cigarette in one month and then you can quit completely.You must not forget that after this period of 3-4 month quiting process you will gain 10 years added to your life .

Appended is a video on How to quit smoking cigarette; YOU CAN DO IT AS YOU SEE IT !

Best Regards

Smoking And What It Does To You

Hi Smokers,

Here is a Great Video About Smoking and what it does to you. Take heed of what you will see.

Just a sincere friendly gesture.


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