Monday, October 1, 2007

Stop Smoking Medication

Over the last decades more and more treatments have appeared against smoking, stop smoking medication is available in any drug store and can be prescribed by any doctor. People's perception about smoking and stop smoking medication has changed in time, one century ago smoking was thought to be a treatment against lung problems and until the 20th century it wasn't considered to be bad for the human body. If we refer to the stop smoking medication, a series of alternatives must be discussed, but first we should mention that the variety of treatments is caused by the fact that no stop smoking medication has ever worked the same way on two different persons. Classical nicotine replacements as stop smoking medication do their job well and help a lot of people pass the first months after quiting. Over the last years more complex stop smoking medication appeared and pills like Chantix offer a lot more than the classical solutions.

When a person smokes his/her body releases a substance called dopamine, this chemical is the cause of all the positive effects that a smoker feels. Stop smoking medication deals with the side effects of dopamine levels dropping. When quitting, the lack of dopamine from your body can cause depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia or any other related problems. More complex stop smoking medication work differently from a classical antidepressant that includes some nicotine to release a small amount of dopamine in your body. Modern stop smoking medication triggers a small release of dopamine into the body, thus avoiding depressions while, at the same time, blocking nicotine receptors from your brain. The blocking effect of this stop smoking medication help you in the scenario where you fail and smoke a cigarette, if the nicotine receptors are blocked the ex-smoker won't feel anything so it will be easier in the future to reject smoking.

Stop smoking medication if taken excessively can also have side effects so this is why many smokers appeal to natural solutions to fight back their nicotine craving. People who think about quitting smoking are usually very concerned with their health and this is why many of them don't want to turn to some stop smoking medication. A large variety of natural stop smoking medication exists on the market and it has a decent success rate. Doctors usually recommend alternative treatments in associations with normal stop smoking medication, in the first days classical pills are the favorite as they have a more powerful and faster impact on the body while plants usually react more slowly. In time the traditional stop smoking medication will be replaced by herb-based alternatives in order to avoid any side effects caused by chemicals

J M Nor

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Stop Smoking in One Hour

Commercials and advertising campaigns aimed at smokers who want to quit promise stop smoking in one hour. Nevertheless, since we know how strenuous the effort to quit is, one has to wonder how effective that could be. Can one really stop smoking in one hour? The hypnosis adepts say it is possible for one to stop smoking in one hour during a procedure where your subconscious is freed from the nicotine addiction. Most alternative therapy practitioners use the “stop-smoking-in-one-hour” kind of promotion to attract customers and prove that their methods really work. Moreover, they claim that one has almost zero chances of relapsing, since the smoking rejection is implemented at the deepest level of our mind. Plus, when you stop smoking in one hour, you don't run the risk of withdrawal symptoms.

If you search the Internet for stop smoking in one hour tips, you'll find plenty of testimonials of people who have improved their lives in sixty minutes. You don't have to take everything you read there for granted, feel free to go directly to clinics that use alternative therapies and specific programs meant to help you stop smoking in one hour. It may sound incredible, but there are cases of heavy smokers who used to have like a packet or more a day, completely recovered without the side effects of nicotine substitutes or the unpleasant craving symptoms. Therefore, for a smoker who wants to be rid of a bad habit in no time, the stop smoking in one hour offer is an advantageous opportunity.

There are all sorts of materials meant to assist you in the attempt to stop smoking in one hour. There are hypno-therapeutic sessions recoded on videos or DVD together with detailed instructions, which can be ordered online and used in the privacy of your home. Most of the stop smoking in one hour guides, play on relaxation techniques and slight forms of hypnosis, however, not everyone is pleased about being hypnotized by watching a video. Therefore, for anyone who'd rather have a stop smoking in one hour live session, it is good to find a professional therapist and check for his or her credentials before undergoing any procedure. You can even make several appointments and check on the various methods alternative therapies involve. Learning about the costs is a very important part of the issue too, so, be careful!

J M Nor

Friday, July 27, 2007

How I Quit Smoking

How I quit smoking testifies to personal experience in the nicotine battle. Smoking is a serious problem that affects the entire world, more than 4 million people die every year from smoking illnesses, this means that every 8 seconds a person dies from smoking. Many scientists and doctors have concluded that the effects of nicotine over the human body are very similar to the problems caused by cocaine and heroine. How I quit smoking may be your story too. There is professional help found, and afterwards many people write their “How I quit smoking” story. It is a good thing to read and learn from someone else's experience, it helps a lot to see what difficulties one went throw and how he/she succeeded. Make the “How I quit smoking” experience a support for others.

The “how I quit smoking” scenario usually begins with “how it all started”. Most of the questioned smokers said that when young he/she thought it was cool. Others started smoking after an emotional problem and thought that if they start smoking they would feel better. Most smokers started when they were young, in there twenties and evolved from several cigarettes to a packet or more a day. Almost each ex-smoker that is asked the “How I quit smoking question” will answer something different because each body usually reacts differently to similar factors. This is why so many alternatives exist to quit smoking from the classical cold turkey method to the most weird solutions like hypnosis. People find it so hard to get to the “how I quit smoking” phase especially because of the psychological factor. Usually a person can eliminate the nicotine from the body and though side effects appear this isn't the biggest problem. How I quit smoking is personal! It takes time and lots of effort!

Reading “How I quit smoking” success stories can help a lot, but don't be fooled by those who sell you relaxation tapes, yoga courses or other alpha(relaxation) wave treatments. There is good advice that can be found on the Internet and is a great place to start searching. Real “how I quit smoking”stories always help, so if you need more support in your efforts against smoking join some ex-smokers discussion groups or forums. Any person that defeated this bad habit can answer the “How I quit smoking” question giving you encouraging tips you may need each time you feel like starting smoking again. Then you may be in the position of “how I quit smoking”! Good luck!

J M Nor

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Stop Smoking Naturally

No drugs, no patches, gum or other nicotine-based products, then how can one stop smoking naturally? Many scientists point out that those who take the challenge to stop smoking naturally actually get into the toughest experience of their lives. There are two ways to do so. You can either cut off cigarettes now and for good or you can lower the nicotine intake according to a pre-established plan. Let's have a closer look at these two stop smoking naturally ways and see how efficient they prove. Those who want to stop smoking naturally are usually against other substitutes or are simply unwilling to expose themselves to other symptoms such as dizziness, sleep disorders or headaches that are often associated with them. For the cold turkey stop smoking naturally solution, chances of success are lower and you'll see why.

First of all, if you want to stop smoking naturally and gradually it is good to make a plan and stick to it by all means. By this I mean that you'll have to constantly reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke a day. In order to stop smoking naturally, you'll have to support your body by other means, compensating for the absence of nicotine. For instance, reduce stress, and you won't feel the urge to smoke so much. You can stop smoking naturally by increasing the amount of sweet fruit you eat a day, since less nicotine means less sugar in the blood. The fructose you'll get from the diet should compensate, without exposing you to overweight risks. Then you may also support the stop smoking naturally determination by plenty of physical exercises and good body hydration, since thus you eliminate toxins from the system.

In case you choose to stop smoking naturally but abruptly, you'd better be ready for some rough times lying ahead. Unless you master yourself very well and stick to the decision not to smoke, you may not succeed. However, statistics show that this way to stop smoking naturally is highly traumatic for the body since the nicotine withdrawal brings a whole range of cravings. The battle to stop smoking naturally will get you through anxiety, depression, increased stress, headaches, sweating, low energy levels, irritability and so on. You may ease the cravings when you try to stop smoking naturally, by hydration, alternative relaxation methods, lots of physical exercises and even counseling. Good luck!

J M Nor

Stop Smoking Today

There are many ways to stop smoking today, these methods vary significantly from classical anti–nicotine treatments to herbal alternatives and even to hypnosis solutions. Smoking involves two separate problems: the psychological and the physical nicotine addiction. Once you've understood this you have a higher chance to stop smoking today. One of the most popular solutions against smoking is the use of nicotine replacements like gum or patches. These products can be easily found in any drug store, and doctors also recommend to turn to counseling in order to stop smoking today. Nicotine replacing products have a moderate rate of success in a stop smoking today strategy so they are a good start. Another way to stop smoking today is replacing your cigarettes with other ones containing less nicotine, this first step is normally followed by reducing the number of cigarettes smoked a day.

Another method to stop smoking today is to identify the triggers, what it is that makes you smoke. Once you know what favors your smoking habit, measures can be taken. The stop smoking today decision can work very well when you decided to quit smoking “Cold Turkey”. Also consider asking a non-smoker to help you like a family member or friend, they will give valuable support in your effort to stop smoking today. Another strategy to stop smoking today is that each time you feel like lighting a cigarette to think about the benefits of quitting and the health problems that smoking causes. Taking control over your live is not easy if you have an addiction, but trying is the best start. The most important thing is to redoubling efforts, never give up your plan and remember that it is only a matter of time until you finally escape from this deadly habit.

Finding the best method to stop smoking today comes sometimes naturally when there is enough positive determination. Many of those who stop smoking today, do it because of severe health problems. To eliminate nicotine cravings you'll have to try as many remedies as possible until you succeed. Unfortunately most non-smokers think that trying to stop smoking today is just a problem of will power. Nicotine is very, very addictive and most people don't understand what happens to a smoker when he or she tries to quit. A winning formula against smoking would contain anti–nicotine treatment, psychological counseling, educational information about the effects of smoking and a lot of positive thinking. So, stop smoking today!

J M Nor


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